How to set an achievable deadline and the importance of it

What is deadline

A time or date by which something or task must be completed.

How to set an achievable deadline

  • To set any type of dead line, you first need to understand for what reason you are setting it.
  • After that main agenda, you need to simply break down that task or work into smaller parts so it gets easy to calculate the time it can take to complete. (Don’t make deadlines unattainable by giving yourself less time to complete them.)
  • Initialy, while making a habit of setting deadlines, give some buffer time also so that it can’t become unachievable if it happens, and then next time you do not feel motivated to set a deadline.
  • If, for some reason, you are not able to meet any deadline, you don’t need to worry a lot. At least you took a step forward, so set it for another time and conquer this time.
  • If you complete some task, you can give yourself a treat as a reward, so it feels good because of dopamine, and you get motivated to work.
  • Write it down for all deadlines and read it once a day at the list so you don’t forget it by mistake. Best of luck.

Benefits of setting a deadline

You won’t get distracted you can look at a task you need to complete and start working on it immediately.

You never have that free time to find what you need to do next if you have already written all tasks with deadlines to complete.

You save lots of time in between switching from one task to another because your brain is all ready to prepare for the next work it needs to do.

If you have a deadline, then even you can remove all the time that is getting wasted and work on the main thing.

You can focus well because you have set priorities to work on that one thing at that time.


Sometimes you work on things that are not required. If you set a deadline, then you might say that it is not that important right now.

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